The Chant of Metta - Suffusing Loving-kindness (MP3 File) |
metta.mp3 |
4,362KB |
The Chant of Metta - a musical rendition by Imee Ooi. (64kbps Stereo) |
Buddhist Songs for Young Children (MP3 File) |
 | |
07 KB |
Zipped PC Word Doc file of the lyrics for the Buddhist Songs |
buddhistsong1.mp3 |
3.134 KB |
1. Birth of the Buddha (lyrics/music: Daniel Yeo) |
buddhistsong2.mp3 |
2.374 KB |
2. To Love Is To Care And Be Kind (lyrics/music: Imee Ooi) |
buddhistsong3.mp3 |
2.498 KB |
3. Don't Be Angry (lyrics: Imee Ooi, music: Woon Yoke Fun) |
buddhistsong4.mp3 |
3.252 KB |
4. Compassion (lyrics: Imee Ooi, music: Woon Yoke Fun) |
buddhistsong5.mp3 |
2.056 KB |
5. It's Great To Give (lyrics/music: Daniel Yeo) |
buddhistsong6.mp3 |
2.074 KB |
6. He's Here For You & Me (lyrics: Imee Ooi, music Woon Yoke Fun) |
buddhistsong7.mp3 |
3.502 KB |
7. Pass It On (lyrics: Daniel Yeo, music: Imee Ooi) |
buddhistsong8.mp3 |
3.154 KB |
8. Birth Of The Buddha (karaoke) |
buddhistsong9.mp3 |
3.496 KB |
9. Pass It On (karaoke) |
Buddhist Chanting - Mantras (WAV Format Files) |
omm.wav |
92 KB |
Chanting of the Mantra: OM MANI PADME HUM (Tibetan Buddhist) |
amtb8.wav |
882 KB |
Name of Amitabha Buddha: NAMO AMITABHA (Pure Land School) |
gelug_chant.wav |
55 KB |
Chanting by Tibetan monks of the Gelugpa sect. |
Temple Sounds (WAVs) |
gong-burmese.wav |
58 KB |
Burmese Gong. |
gong-chinese.wav |
042 KB |
Chinese Gong. |
tinsha.wav |
289 KB |
Chinese Hand Bell. |
bowla.wav |
458 KB |
Tibetan Singing Bowl (#1) |
bowlb.wav |
504 KB |
Tibetan Singing Bowl (#2) |
Insight Meditation Instruction - Ven. Pannyavaro (MP3 Files) |
artattn.mp3 |
632 KB |
The Art of Attention . |
sixsense.mp3 |
492 KB |
At the Six-sense Doors. |
mental.mp3 |
372 KB |
The Technique of Mental Noting. |
balance.mp3 |
503 KB |
Keeping the Balance in Meditation. |
sitting1.mp3 |
374 KB |
The Sitting Posture in Meditation. |
sitting2.mp3 |
537 KB |
Instruction for Sitting Meditation. |
walking.mp3 |
556 KB |
Technique in Walking Meditation. |
Loving-kindness Meditation - Ven. Pannyavaro (MP3 Files) |
loving1.mp3 |
714 KB |
Loving-kindness Meditation Instruction. |
loving2.mp3 |
482 KB |
A Guided Loving-kindness Meditation. |